Wednesday trainings
On Wednesday training sessions, we practice windsurfing together. Please note, the wednesday training sessions are only for members. [More info] If you want to try windsurf without becoming a member, we offer two sessions this summer where you can try. Otherwise, see our surf courses.
NOTE! New this year is that you'll have to register to the event. Registration opens at 12.00 the day before and can be made here! If you haven't signed up, you still have the opportunity to participate, but we're only able to offer this in case someone else doesn't show up. Maximum number of participants is set to 12 persons per Wednesday. This is in order to increase the quality of the training so that the participants have a greater chance of development!
Dates for 2018
- 6/6
- 13/6
- 20/6
- 27/6
- 8/8
- 15/8
- 22/8
- 29/8
Other events
Säsongsuppstart - 22 April 13.00
Säsongen inleds med vårstädning av lokaler samt genomgång och vård av låneutrustningarna. Efter utfört jobb bjuder klubben på grillkorv, kaffe/saft.
UVK Fyller 40 år! - 16e Juni
I år fyller UVK 40 år vilket vi såklart vill fira! Mer info om detta event kommer.
Kräftskiva - 25e Augusti 19.00
Den årliga kräftskivan då alla medlemmar är välkomna!
KM - Augusti-September
Flytande datum beroende på vindprognos!
Säsongsavslutning - 28e Oktober 13.00
Vi städar lokalerna, ser över låne-utrustningen och grillar korv.
Julknyt - 8e December 19.00
Säsongen är inte slut än!
Surf courses
UVK offers a 2-day weekend course for those who want to take the first step to becoming a windsurfer. New for this year is also that we're able to offer more advanced courses thanks to Thomas, who is a new instructor in the club. [More info here]
We can also arrange courses for associations and companies. Request can be mailed to
Try windsurfing
Are you not a yet member of UVK but want to try out windsurfing? Then we offer a try-session where you as a beginner have the opportunity to try windsurfing. Here you can borrow good starter equipment as well as get an introduction. On site you can also borrow wetsuit and life jackets. [More info]
NOTE! You'll have to register to the event. Registration opens at 12.00 the day before and can be made here!
Dates for 2018
- 13/6
- 15/8
Surf trips
Trip to Öland – 9-13 maj